2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue



Youth Stage News: 


On October 26, 2016 the First Youth Stage under XV Jubilee All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia" starts working at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 

Leaders of youth movements and organizations from St. Petersburg, Russian regions and foreign countries will discuss actual challenges of alignment between economic, social and ecological aspects in development strategies and also identify the role of youth in social, economic and cultural development of cities and regions of Russia. 

The youth stage is planned under Forum Green Day and organized by joint efforts of ICSER Leontief Centre, Danish Cultural Institute, Youth Governments Association of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Youth College and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 

Co-organizers: Nordic Council of Ministers, Danish Cultural Institute, Council of the Baltic Sea States, Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of St. Petersburg, Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg. 

Agenda includes such actual challenges as: international experience of youth cooperation and project activities; dialogue Green Mobility - Green Activity - Green Energy; SCO youth initiatives; green initiatives by Youth Governments Association of the Russian Federation, role of youth in the social, economic and cultural development of cities and regions of Russia: dialogue Creativity – Science – Culture. 

Among the speakers – Sergey Konev, Chairman of the Youth Governments Association of the Russian Federation; Alexey Korolev, Сhairman of St. Petersburg Youth College, Advisor of Governor of St. Petersburg; Denis Kravchenko, Head of the National (Russian) Part, SCO Youth Council. It is also planned teleconferences with foreign participants. Frank Weiss, Conject Project (Munchen, Germany) and Kang Keng Yong, Director on Development of International Relations, International Theatre Institute (South Korea) are invited to take part in the discussion.
Besides plenary session, which includes presentations made by recognized experts in the spheres of youth policy, international relations, science, culture and business, it is also planned thematic discussion stages such as: Policy and International Relations; Culture, Art, Media; Sport, Tourism, Healthy Lifestyle; Science and Education; Urban Planning, Environment, Ecology. 

Maria Kononova, Professor, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University; Member of the National Academy of Tourism, International Tourism Academy, Russian Geographical Society; Expert, Supervisory Board "Energy and Environment", Northern Dimension Institute and Vladimir Golovachev, Chairman of the Committee on Culture, St. Petersburg Youth College, Member of the Coordinating Council, St. Petersburg Union of Scientists will be moderators of the youth stage. 


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Number of seats is limited! Registration is required!


Maria Kononova, e-mail: 
Vladimir Golovachev, e-mail: 
Andrey Anisimov, e-mail:




05.04.2017 : The Collection of Materials of the XV Strategic Planning Forum

The collection of materials of the XV All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Building Alignment through Dialogue" is posted on the Forum’s website.