2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue

Conference RSA


Organisers: Regional Studies Association (RSA), ICSER “Leontief Centre”, Russian Geographical Society
International scientific conference is an associated event within XV All-Russia Forum. This is inaugural RSA conference in Russia that will be the starting point for setting up the Russian Division of the Regional Studies Association.
The conference language is English.
The conference aims to discuss a wide range of research topics, related to regional and local economic growth and social and economic development. Papers illustrating knowledge of modern theory and the empirical results of studies on spatial transformations and regional/local economic success/failure factors are welcomed.
This conference brings together both international and Russian researchers working in multiple disciplines in the fields of regional and urban studies. 
Conference themes
1. Urban and Regional Theory
2. Urban and Regional Policy and Planning
3. New Economic Geography
4. Spatial Planning in Russia
5. Metropolitan Regions: Planning and Governance
6. Urban-Rural Integration
7. Big Data in Urban and Regional Planning
8. Participatory Planning and Governance: NGOs, Civil Society and Territorial Development
9. Knowledge Economy and Regional/Local Economic Development
10. Human and Social Capital in Territorial Development
11. Migration, Investment and Trade: International and Interregional Context
12. Inclusive Urban Development
13. Territorial Inequality and Cohesion Policy
14. Land Use Regulation and Property Rights
Submission of papers 

All who wish to present at the conference should register on the Regional Studies Association website. Abstracts are submitted (400 word abstracts) through RSA portal by 30th September 2016. 

Proposals will be considered by the Conference Programme Committee against the criteria of originality and interest, subject balance and geographical spread.

Olga Gerasimova


05.04.2017 : The Collection of Materials of the XV Strategic Planning Forum

The collection of materials of the XV All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Building Alignment through Dialogue" is posted on the Forum’s website.