2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue

RSA Materials

1. Sally Hardy, Regional Studies Association
Regional Studies Association

2. Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, Council of Europe 
Towards a New Generation of Instruments for Strategic Planning and Development: the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe

3. David Bailey, Aston Business School
Brexit, UK automotive & Industrial Policy

4. Natalia Zubarevich, Lomonosov Moscow State University 
Regional disparities in Russia and major post-Soviet countries

5. Valeria Lingua, University of Florence
Strategic planning in Italy: governance and visioning in the Metropolitan City of Florence

6. Vladimir Klimanov, Kseniya Budaeva, Institute for Public Finance Reform
Content and retrospective analysis of regional strategizing in Russia

7. Richard Wakeford, Birmingham City University
Rural Futures. What more do we need to know?

8. Nadezhda Zamyatina, Alexander Pelyasov, Center for the Northern and Arctic economies SOPS-VAVT
Zonal approach in strategic planning for the Northern regions of Russia (the case of Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous okrug-Yugra)

9. Sergei Kadochnikov, Anna Fedyunina, National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg)
Location determinants of fast-growing firms in Russia: the role of high-skilled interregional migration

10. Yevgenia Kolomak, Economy and Industrial Engineering Institute SB RAS, Novosibirsk State University
Evolution of the Spatial Proportions in the Post-Soviet Russia

11. Irina Turgel, Ural Federal University
Second-Tier Urals Cities: Factors of Urban System Reconfiguration

12. Drapkin I., Mariev O., Chukavina K. GSEM, Ural Federal University
Is Russia successful in attracting foreign direct investment? Evidence based on gravity model estimation

13. Jacek Zaucha, University of Gdansk
Tomasz Komornicki, Barbara Szejgiec-Kolenda, Rafa? Wi?niewski, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences

Trade linkages and the role of territorial capital in the time of global crisis. A local perspective from Poland

14. Sarah Howe, School of Global, Urban Social Studies, RMIT University
Exploring Corporate and Public Policy Perspectives on Prospects for Implementation of the EU’s ‘Smart Specialisation’ policy
(2014-2020). Some Early Empirical Evidence from the Region of Western Transdanubia, Hungary

15. Elizaveta Kolchinskaya, ICSER “Leontief Centre”, National Research University Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg) 
Innovative clusters and economic development of the Russian regions

16. Evgenij Pliseckij, Irina Ilina, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
Global Technology Trends: Challenges or Opportunities for New Models of Sustainable Urban Development?

17. Oleg Leshukov, Daria Platonova, Dmitry Semyonov, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
Does Competition Matter? The Efficiency of Regional Higher Education Systems and Competition: the Case of Russia

19. Konstantin Kholodilin, DIW Berlin; Boriss Siliverstovs, KOF ETH Zurich
Think national, forecast local: a case study of 71 German urban housing markets


05.04.2017 : The Collection of Materials of the XV Strategic Planning Forum

The collection of materials of the XV All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Building Alignment through Dialogue" is posted on the Forum’s website.