2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue

Information Partners

The organizers of the XV All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Building Alignment Through Dialogue" offer mass media to become the Forum information partners.  


RIA Novosti

RIA Novosti - the flagship resource of the Media Group "Rossiya Segodnya". RIA Novosti is the most quoted News Agency and the primary source of information for the majority of Russian internet resources. Its’ website gets circa 2mln readers daily, which is the biggest audience among all Russian language news portals. RIA Novosti's correspondent network covers circa 90 cities around the world. Rossiya Segodnya operates a number of information resources, including RIA NovostiRIA Real EstatePrimeR-SportRIA RatingSocial Navigator and InoSMI.



FederalPress Russian News & Information Agency

FederalPress Russian News & Information Agency is the largest multiregional media that has a 14 years' history worth providing timely information, analytics, and research in politics and economy to the establishment of Russian regions and the official Moscow. FederalPress is a trademark of Russian regions.

Publishing House "Gudok"

The Publishing House "Gudok" is one of the major industry mass media producers in Russia – both printed and multimedia. The company activity started in 1917 with launching "Gudok" newspaper – the oldest periodical in the territory of the former USSR. Today, this federal level daily paper is the leading transport industry mass media in the CIS and the Baltic states/ The product line of Publishing House "Gudok" is a wide range of periodicals for millions of readers’ audience from transport industry, helping transport market participants in solving various marketing tasks.

Magazine «Munitsipalnaya Rossiya»

«Munitsipalnaya Rossiya» is the only official print magazine of the Russian National Congress of Municipalities. The magazine publishes the information regarding urgent issues of  local self-government and presents best municipal practices.


«Rossiyskaya  Gazeta»

«Rossiyskaya  Gazeta» - is a modern multimedia platform that daily provides readers the most recent, fair and major information about regional, federal and worldwide events. News, reportages, exclusive interviews and comments from state officials and most powerful business, political and cultural representatives. Authors of «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» - are famous journalists, experts, analytics, prestigious columnists and special correspondents all over the world.
Media holding of «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» include: «Rossiyskaya Gazeta» - daily nationwide newspaper; «Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Nedelya» - weekly nationwide social and political newspaper ; «Rodina» - monthly historical magazine; RG.RU - news social and political web site; international project Russia Beyond the Headlines - monthly information supplements about Russia in leading global mass media.

"Parlamentskaya Gazeta"

"Parlamentskaya Gazeta" - weekly newspaper, an official publisher of legal acts, that competently tells about the work of The Russian Parlament: State Duma and The Council of Russian Federation promptly and thoroughly informs its readers about laws and analyzes their application. The newspaper is distributed by subscription and retail, delivered to the senators and deputies of Federal and regional parliaments, the State Federal ministries, and heads and members of governments of subjects of the Russian Federation, and embassies of foreign States situated in Moscow. Website edition - – duplicate publication in a newspaper, or used as a separate platform for advertising.

The "Russian Federation Today"

The "Russian Federation Today" - influential monthly magazine specializing in in-depth analysis domestic and foreign policy, economy and social life. It publishes original articles and interviews with leading politicians, detailed comments of experts and analysts, current reports and historical investigation.It pays special attention to international issues and the development of subjects of Federation, large-scale regional projects in the field of economy and social sphere.

Journal «Expert North-West» 

«Expert North-West» - the business analytical journal, which is deeply and professionally studying economics, business, social and political processes in the Northwestern Federal District. This partner for business owners, senior managers  and executives of different levels throughout the region.

Ekonomika I Zhizn’ All-Russia Newspaper

Founded on 6 November 1918, Ekonomika I Zhizn is the oldest high-volume economic weekly in Russia, as well as the most reputable B2B edition. The newspaper is distributed by subscription in all regions of the Russian Federation, and its audience is more than half a million readers per issue (according to TNS Gallup Media). The mission of the newspaper is to support business management and services with the economical and financial expertise. The weekly advises on corporate governance, business and financial management, as well as taxation, accounting, legislation in different fields of law, legal defence of the business interests in the arbitration court. It analyzes and predicts the economy developments in Russia and globally.


Publishing House "Budget"

The publishing house "Budget" has been a reliable partner for readers, authors and clients for 14 years. It offers the most important and reflecting real events information. The main activities of the publishing house include the magazine "Budget", the magazine "Budget Accounting", the magazine "Financial Control", the finance and economic portal "", the training centre "Budget".

Green City

GREEN CITY is  main Russian media-resource (magazine, Internet site and social nets) of new generation dedicated to green building and sustainable development. For professional architects and developers.  BE GREEN! BE INNOVATIVE! 

Magazine "Municipality: Economy and Management"

Covers the issues of economy and management at the level of municipalities as well as legal regulation of realization of the right of the population on local self-government. Discussion of the problems of management by municipal economy and local finances, of municipal services, land-use issues, the problems of separation of municipal property and interbudgetary relations take an important place on the pages of the magazine. 

ETAP*: Economic Theory, Analysis, and Practice 

The journal covers the processes of economic development of the country, analyses the practical effects of the science theories, innovations, and ideas. It is based on an integrated research and a practice approach to the economic problems.

*In Russian, the word "ETAP" means "a stage".

"Delovaya Rossiya"

"Delovaya Rossiya" - is a federal business information and reference publication. Available since 2008. Publication frequency: 6 volumes per year. The publication is a wide source of information for effective business in various fields. The primary audience - the entrepreneurs, top managers, owner-managed companies, government officials and public figures. The main topics of publication - current political news, business and society, relevant aspects of business development, effective management technologies and innovative business models. The advisory council of the journal includes opinion leaders of politics and business.


Scientific Journals - Forum Partners

The All-Russian Scientific Journal Region: Economics and Sociology

The All-Russian Scientific Journal Region: Economics and Sociology is a leading Russian periodical that covers the issues of regional science, problems of Russia’s regional and municipal development, its regional policy, local self-government, regional aspects of social and innovation policies, foreign experience of spatial development administration. The journal is issued on a quarterly basis at the premises of the Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is one of the leaders in Russian economic science. The best articles are published regularly in English in the journal Regional Research of Russia.

Scientific and Practical Journal “Regional Economy. South of Russia”

This journal is intended for all those whose work is connected with regional policy and strategic territorial management. Volume 1 of the year 2017 will be devoted to the problem of the modernization of the strategic planning in the Russian Federation and to the development of regional strategies through to 2030. The articles of the participants of the forum will be published in a separate section.


05.04.2017 : The Collection of Materials of the XV Strategic Planning Forum

The collection of materials of the XV All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Building Alignment through Dialogue" is posted on the Forum’s website.