2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


Round Table
Spatial Development Scenarios of Russia and Its Socio-Economic Efficiency


The experts will present various scenarios of spatial development of Russia, its formation methodology, the preliminary approaches to the estimation of socio-economic effects from the implementation of each scenario. It is planned the discussion with the participation of representatives of federal and regional authorities, infrastructure companies and experts dedicated to the selection of the optimal scenario, which will form the basis of the Spatial Development Strategy of Russia.

Organizers: Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Infrastructure Economics Centre, Economic Partnership "New Economic Growth", Council for the Study of Productive Forces RFTA, OJSC "Russian Institute of City Planning and Investment Development "Giprogor"

Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept:


Chuguevskaya Elena, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Director of the Department for Strategic and Spatial Planning

Spatial Development Strategy in the system of strategic planning of the Russian Federation

Chistyakov Pavel, Centre for Infrastructure Economy Limited Liability Company. Vice- president of Centre for Infrastructure Economy LLC

Contribution spatial development strategies to socio-economic development of Russia

Grudinin Mikhail, OJSC "Russian Institute of City Planning and Investment Development "Giprogor". CEO

Approaches to the spatial development of Russia

Grishina Irina, Council for the Study of Productive Resources (SOPS). Head of Department of Theory and Methodology of Spatial Researches

About Spatial Development Strategy Concept of Russia: methodological approaches to development

Korotaev Vladimir, Council abour studying of productive forces (VAVT). Head of Branch of spatial and regional development

Priorities Spatial Development of the Russian Federation to 2030

Yusin Georgy, Council abour studying of productive forces (VAVT). Deputy Director, Department of Spatial and Regional Development

Increased stability of settlement systems - alternative synthesis

Pilyasov Aleksandr, Council for the Study of Productive Forces. Director

Placement of the productive forces and the forms of the spatial organization of the economy