2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


Round Table
International Cooperation for Regional Development


In the current difficult state of foreign policy the ability to have open and constructive international dialogue between experts and politicians on topical challenges of regional development acquires the special value.

In 2016 the round table on cross-border cooperation with European countries will be on a new quality level. For the first time in the history of relations between Association of European Border Regions and Russia will be a meeting of the Working Group on external borders with the participation of representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and with the participation of European leaders that was prepared by a series of consultative meetings. It is planned to discuss themes "Business Cooperation Challenges that Promote Crossborder Economy and the Labor Market" and "Promotion of Cross-Border Tourism in the Sphere of Culture, Sport and Healthy Lifestyle".

Further development will get the theme of environmental protection under preparation to the Year of Ecology of the Russian Federation 2017 (according to Presidential Decree from January 5, 2016 N7). In this context the round table will be attended by the heads and specialists of organizations and foundations from Italy, USA, England, Greece, and Council of Europe. It will be raised challenges of improving quality of living environment, tourism development in terms of the migration crisis in Europe, environmental urbanism and many others.

We note that recommendations of the round table annually developed by the participants have detailed and practical character that always leads to successful implementation, useful results and ensures the implementation of new cooperation challenges.

Growing authority and reputation of the round table allow constantly attracting leading Russian and foreign experts, scientists and politicians. Loyalty of international expert community in the field of regional development is the absolute and permanent value of the round table, which is a unique platform that allows Russian participants to be directly involved in international discussions and expand their professional contacts.

Organizers: Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, ICSER Leontief Centre

Attention! This module displays only registered moderators and speakers. Download the full version of the Concept: Concept


Abramyan Rafael, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Director of the Department for Development of Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation

Kapyrin Igor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Deputy Director of the Department of European Cooperation

Guillermo-Ramírez Martín, Association of European Border Regions. Secretary General

Moisio Johannes, Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Task Force of External Borders. Chairman, Task Force of External Borders

Roles of Different Organisation Levels In Cross-Border Cooperation

Dejeant-Pons Maguelonne, Council of Europe. Head of the Landscape Division, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape

International Cooperation in the Framework of Council of Europe for Sustainable and Harmonious Territorial Development

Wakeford Richard, University of Birmingham. Visiting Professor in the Field of Ecology, Land Management and Strategic Development of the Rural Areas

Food security; sustainable agriculture and forestry; marine and maritime and inland water research; and the bioeconomy

Zanfi Claudia, Green Island. Director

New Urban Ecology (Examples, Strategies)

Vagionis Nikolaos, Center of Planning and Economic Research. Senior Researcher

Tourism as an Important Factor of International Cooperation

Vladychenko Alexander, Independent expert in human rights and politcal sciences. Independent expert on human rights and politics

Youth Dimension of Regional Policy: View from Strasbourg

Tsukarev Taras, Eurasian Development Bank. Head of Projects, Centre for Integration Studies

Russia and the Silk Road: Investment Opportunities for Border Regions

Pogodaev Mikhail, Northern Forum. Executive Director

Leschishin Igor, JSCo "RZD". Head of International and Government Relations Division

The experience of international operation of the train №32 / 31 "Lev Tolstoy" the route from Moscow to Helsinki

Karelina Irina ICSER Leontief Centre. Director General
Sadovnikova Elena ICSER Leontief Centre. Expert on international aspects of regional development
