2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


Panel Discussion
Strategies of the Science Cities: Alignment of the Priorities of Municipal and Scientific Development


In recent years, the state policy on the development of science cities has undergone major changes. The amendments to the Federal Law № 70 "On the Science Cities of the Russian Federation" and adoption of the Federal Law № 100 from April 20, 2015 regulating measures of state support of science cities changed approaches to the development of science cities. In the context of the implementation of Strategy of Innovative Development of the Russian Federation and implementation of import substitution policy including the scientific and technological sphere it arises the important question about the role of science cities in Russia in the Strategy and its place in the general scheme of the spatial development of Russia as the important elements of scientific and technological complex of the country. In addition, the proposal requiring the approval of the development strategy and linked on the one hand with the requirements of the 100-FL and 70-FL, and on the other hand, with 172-FL has become one of the conditions for obtaining the status of science city.

One of the important tasks requiring the search of balanced solutions is the definition and coordination of priorities of the integrated socio-economic development and development of research and production complex. At the same time Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is developing a Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation in the long term, where the definition of priorities and the development of territories with a high concentration of scientific, technological and industrial potential should take a special place.

Challenges to discuss:
• How should areas with a high concentration of scientific and technological potential (science cities) develop?
• International experience of development of territories with a high concentration of scientific and technological potential.
• The social aspect and the living conditions in the Russian science cities.
• What should be the main accents during the preparation of the Strategy of socio-economic development of science city?
• How to link correctly the measures directed on development of a research complex, innovative business, industry, social sphere in science cities?

Organizers: HSE Institute of Regional Studies and Urban Planning, NP "Union of Russian Science Cities", with the participation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Kuznetsov Mikhail, Noncommertial partnership “Naukograd development union of Russia”. Director

Strategies of Science Cities as a Tool for Development

Gusev Aleksandr, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology. Director

Alternatives to the State Policy on Development of Science Cities and Expected Results

Kopychenko Galina, Institute for regional studies and urban planning HSE. Expert

Science City vs City: Strategic Priorities for Establishment of a New Quality Urban Environment

Bezrukov Andrew, GS Group. Director for Strategic Marketing

"Technopolis GS»: Transformation of Urban Environment with Establishment of a Creative Public Spaces

Tikhonova Zinaida, Biysk Altai Krai Administration. Chief of Management of Strategic Development and Economy

Biisk Development Strategy (Coordination of Priorities)

Sidnev Viktor Technology Evaluation and Development Institute. Science Director
