Round Table
Russia-EU Cooperation Instruments in the Baltic Sea Region
The major focus of the round table will be given to the new cooperation opportunities between EU and North-West Russia regions during the implementation of the two strategies (EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the North-West Federal
During the session participants will be presented with an updated Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the North-West Federal District until 2020 as well as the renewed EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Participants will look at the new cooperation opportunities in the Baltic Sea
Macroregion and North-West Federal District and will also hold an expert discussion on international cooperation within the following instruments, such as Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, Council of the Baltic Sea States and VASAB.
Taking into account the recommendations of Strategic Planning Leaders Forum 2015, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation jointly with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation are actively working on restoration of the partner status of Russia in the
Russia-EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. A great step forward in these activities are the restoration of the Russian National Sub-Committee (RNSC) and organization of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Information Seminar for the North-West regions of Russia on March 23, 2016 in
the framework of XVII International Environmental Forum Baltic Sea Day in St. Petersburg.
The crucial outcome of this work is the adoption of Declaration on Russian participation in the Cooperation Programme «Interreg Baltic Sea Region» for the funding period 2014 – 2020 and the management of corresponding Russian funds signed by Alexey Ulyukaev, Minister of Economic
Development of the Russian Federation. It means that Russian organizations will be able to join the applications selected in the second call (where it is possible to add extra partners).
In addition, right now the founding document of the Programme (an intergovernmental financial agreement of the Programme) is almost ready. This document will reflect major conditions of RF participation in the Programme.
The Joint Secretariat of the Programme together with the Secretariat of RNSC are supporting leading applicants of selected concepts and Russian organizations within the second stage of the full project application.
The practice of long-term cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region by example ofthe VASAB Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region and the Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat will be highlighted in the view of both strategies.
Organizers: Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg, Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat of Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, Council of the Baltic Sea States, ICSER Leontief Centre
Abramyan Rafael, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Director of the Department for Development of Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation Introductory Speech |
Viktorov Alexander, Non-profit Partnership "North-West". Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the North-West Federal District 2020: New Opportunities for Macroregional Cooperation |
Khodachek Alexander, Higher School of Economics - Saint Petersburg. President Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the North-West Federal District 2020: New Opportunities for Macroregional Cooperation |
Somoza Alexander, European Commission. Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Programme Manager The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region - new opportunities for regional cooperation |
Lohikoski Mikko, City of Turku. Senior Advisor EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region |
Karelina Irina, ICSER Leontief Centre. Director General INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020: Opportunities and Prospects |
Kolosova Elena, Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Project Officer |
Akhutina Daria, Council of Baltic Sea States. Senior adviser |
Zaucha Jacek, VASAB. CSD Chair |
- Website of the Russian National Sub-Committee - INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020
- Statement on the Russian National Sub-Committee for cooperation under INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020
- Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the North-West Federal District until 2020
- About Draft Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the North-West Federal District until 2020
- Recommendations of the Round Table "Potential of EU BSR and NWR 2020 Strategies for Cooperation: Turning into Concrete Joint Аctions"