2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


Round Table
Russia 2030: Growth Poles


The economic space is nonuniform and uneven. Population and economy are increasingly concentrated in large metropolitan areas and their surrounding regions. There are several leading regions in terms of socio-economic development and competitiveness on the territory of Russia that form cores and become generators of economic growth.

One of them - the growth pole Volga-Kama, stated in the Strategy Tatarstan-2030. Today we can also speak about Great Moscow growth pole – the largest in Russia which is one of the global growth poles, as well as North-West, Ural, South-Siberian, South and Far East growth poles in Russia.

Implementation of the opportunities of strategic integration, interregional development projects, complementarity of the competitive advantages, co-branding and promotion - it is an incomplete list of factors pushing regions to cooperate in the framework of growth poles.

It is necessary to distinguish the growth poles, understand its perspectives, develop measures to promote the development and spread the growth impulses of the new economy. Actualization of regional strategies, running under 172-FL, will be more effective if the subjects of the Russian Federation determine its role in the growth poles and development corridors.

Organizers: Consortium Leontief Centre – AV Group, Fund "CSR"

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Kadochnikov Pavel, Center for Strategic research. President

Welcoming Address

Krylovskiy Alexey, Leontief Centre - AV Group Consortium. Managing director

Growth Poles - Drivers of Enhancing the Competitiveness of Russia (AV RCI-2016)

Sanghi Apurva, World Bank. Lead Economist

New Opportunities of Coordinated Development of Urban Agglomerations (based on report of World Bank. Competitive Cities for Jobs and Growth: What, Who, and How)

Vasiliev Sergey, State Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank). Deputy Chairman

Petersburg 1991-2016: catching up with Moscow

Zdunov Artyom, Ministry of economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. Minister of Economy

Growth Poles of the Republic of Tatarstan

Galas Igor, Ministry of Economy of Krasnodar Region. Deputy Head of Administration (Governor)

Smolnikov Sergey, Ministry for economic development of the Chelyabinsk region. Minister

Development of the transport system as a basis for the conurbation Chelyabinsk-Ekaterinburg

Antipin Ivan, The Government of Sverdlovsk region. Head of Department

On the possible the poles growth of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Ural constellation concept)

Kosoy Vladimir, Centre for Infrastructure Economy Limited Liability Company. President of Centre for Infrastructure Economy LLC

Zhikharevich Boris, ICSER Leontief Centre. Director of the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning

Strategies of Growth Poles Development

Krylovskiy Alexey Leontief Centre - AV Group Consortium. Managing director
