2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


[2016-06-29] / The Preliminary Action List under Jubilee XV All-Russia Forum is Published

The preliminary action list under jubilee XV All-Russia Forum is published on the website. All actions are distinguished into 5 thematic lines:

Line 1. Strategic Planning at the Federal Level and Common Challenges of Strategic Management Quality
Line 2. Spatial and Physical Planning 
Line 3. Strategic Planning at the Macroregional, Regional and Municipal Levels 
Line 4. International and Crossborder Cooperation in the Sphere of Planning and Development 
Line 5. Strategies for Sustainable Development of Cities and Regions (Forum Green Day)

All actions include: round tables, expert panels, panel discussions, etc. The main organisers of the actions are federal ministries.
The application discussion on holding action of the Forum is underway and it is expected to hold about 30 actions.

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