2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


[2016-10-24] / The Forum’s participants discussed with experts from Italy, Greece and Great Britain issues of international collaboration

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and ICSER Leontief Centre organized a round table «International cooperation for regional development».

Cross-border cooperation with European countries was brought on a new quality level within the IX round table. Experts discussed issues of business cooperation which promote cross-border economy and the labour market. Issues of cross-border tourism in the sphere of culture, sport and healthy lifestyle were considered as well.

Experts from Europe - Martin Guillermo-Ramirez, general secretary in Association of European border regions, Johannes Moisio, chairman of task force of external borders in Association of European border regions and other representatives from Italy, Greece and Great Britain participated in this event. I.A. Karelina, general director of ICSER Leontief Centre and E.A. Sadovnikova, expert in international aspects of regional development in ICSER Leontief Centre performed as moderators of this round table.

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