2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


[2016-10-24] / The Strategists’ Forum started in Saint-Petersburg

XV All-Russia forum «Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia: building alignment through dialogue» began its two-day work in Saint-Petersburg. On the first plenary session M.P. Mokretsov, vice-governor of Saint-Petersburg, A.N. Didenko, deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Committee for Federal Management and Local Self-Government, S.M. Zimin, assistant to the plenipotentiary envoy of the president of the Russian Federation in the North-West federal district, E.S. Chuguevskaya, director of the Department for strategic and spatial planning of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, A.E. Shadrin, director of the Department for strategic development and innovations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and other speakers performed.

The strategists’ Forum opened with musical greeting of folk ensemble «Skaz» on behalf of V.G. Rumyantsev from Pskov.


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