2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue


[2016-10-20] / Press conference «Country development strategy and growth poles. Main themes of the strategists’ Forum»

Press conference «Country development strategy and growth poles. Main themes of the strategists’ Forum» took place on the 19th of October at 1.00 p.m. in a press centre IIA Russia Today.

The event was attended by:

  • Oleg Fomichev, state secretary - deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;
  • Pavel Kadochnikov, president of the Centre for Strategic Research;
  • Elena Chuguevskaya, director of the Department for strategic and spatial planning in the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;
  • Boris Zhikharevich, director of the Resource Centre for Strategic Planning of ICSER Leontief   Centre.

According to Oleg Fomichev, deputy minister of economic development, the public discussion of country development strategy until 2035 («Strategy-2035») which is planned to be approved in 2017 will be a key element of the Forum. Some events when the experts will be able to discuss  this issue in a detailed way and analyze an experience of implementing previous strategies in order to take it into account while working on «Strategy-2035» are planned in the program.

Spatial development strategy of the Russian Federation which is being elaborated in accordance with the Federal law № 172 will be another actual issue. Speaking about events led by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation within the Forum Elena Chuguevskaya said that the experts plan to discuss scenarios of spatial development, methodology of their formation and preliminary approaches to the assessment of the socio-economic effects depending on their realization.

Pavel Kadochnikov, president of the Centre for Strategic Research supposes that the Forum became in fact the main federal platform for discussing principal issues of regional development between the federation, regions and experts.

Boris Zhikharevich, scientific director of the strategists’ Forum told guests on the press conference that the Forum’s program will include 36 events. 4 of them will be out of two-day program and will be organized on the 26th of October. Moreover, a regional competitiveness rating will be presented within the Forum, 3 contest results will be summarized and a special jubilee program for guests will take place within the XV All-Russia forum.  

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