2016 Forum Theme

Building Alignment Through Dialogue

Greeting of Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Nikolay Asaul

On behalf of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, I greet all the organizers, participants and guests of the Jubilee XV Strategic Planning Leaders Forum and V Green Day Forum "Ecomobility Strategies and Sustainable Transport Systems of Cities and Regions of Russia".

Besides the measures for the development of public transport, parking restrictions and motor traffic the sustainable transport development policy provides a visible improvement of the transport and economic situation in the cities, raises the general level of the urban environment and quality of life.

This year Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation is co-organizer of the photo contest The Mobile City which is held in order to attract attention to the problems of non-motorized modes of transport. Speaking of a bicycle as a part of the city transport system it is necessary to ensure its place in the transport chain. It is required to achieve a close and barrier-free connection of cycling infrastructure with public transport infrastructure, car parks, thus creating multimodal transport links. And it is a real and extremely urgent task in the traffic management.

In this work it is important to use the best international experience of cycling and walking traffic in the cities. Therefore I think the important part of the Forum is participation of the representatives from the other countries especially Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland because these countries have achieved the great results in this sphere.

Only through joint efforts we can made the transport system of the Russian Federation sustainable and cities free to traffic and convenient for life. I am sure the Jubilee Forum will provide a new impact to the sustainability of the transport system, organizational and management approaches and the Forum itself will become the powerful platform for a constructive dialogue. I wish all the Forum participants successful and fruitful work and new achievements!



05.04.2017 : The Collection of Materials of the XV Strategic Planning Forum

The collection of materials of the XV All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: Building Alignment through Dialogue" is posted on the Forum’s website.